This is my car. It has the worst acceleration in the world, but it gets me by! I think I have finally gotten used to entering on the right side, though I always grab to my left for the seat belt (its funny how automatic things become after you've done them thousands of times).
This is a picture of outside my office--nice building for a startup.
Here is the outside of my apartment. All of the housing complexes around here have gates in the front, though I have been told that security guards are not that reliable (in fact, I believe the quote was: "they're either gone half the time or stoned").
Here's my bedroom. Queen sized bed, my own bathroom; I definitely can't complain.
This is the living room. We get ESPN, so I still get my dose of SportsCenter in the morning (late AM in the U.S.).
This is the upstairs loft, though there isn't anything up there except for two long tables.
Here's the kitchen. I've cooked most of my meals so far--South African's are very much carnivores. I couldn't even find chicken at the local Woolworth's (all beef and lamb).